Wednesday, May 21, 2008

5 things

a blog for fun. idea stolen from my idol/friend/mentor/lover Lauren Walker...

5 Things

5 things under $5 that I can’t live without
1. tresseme hairspray. (thanks to kate)
2. G2 pens
3.Orbit Gum
4.sunglasses (I have to buy really cheap ones cause I lose them on the daily)
5. Ice. i'm not sure what the price is on that one but i love it.

5 favorite movies (right now)
1. Juno
2. 27 Dresses
3. Father of the Bride
4. Raise your voice
5. Baby Mamma

5 Baby names I love
1. Jack
2. Bess
3. Charly (girl) or Charlie (boy)
4. Gemma
5. McClaine

5 Songs I could listen to over and over again
1. Warwick Avenue - Duffy
2. Lucky - Jason Mraz and Colbie Calait
3. Touch my Body - Mariah Carey
4. Now that you're home- Manchester Orchestra (top play count on my itunes)
5. Miracle- Cascada

5 People who have influenced me in a positive way
1. Mom. of course
2. Reggie Carrol
3. Bessie Olgesby
4. Paige Swink
5. Jane Dorn

5 Things that are always in my purse
1. G2 pen
2. Sketchbook
3. cell phone
4. keys
5. my flat wallet that i love

5 moments that have changed my life forever
1. When I was saved.
2. Starting College
3. Graduating College
4. Moving to Columbia
5. Mission trip to India

5 Obsessions I have right now
1. blogging and reading blogs
2. craigs list
3. Family Guy
4. my mac book pro
5. my new house.

5 places I would like to go
1. Greece
2. New York (again)
3. San Francisco (to see caroline)
4. Europe
5. somewhere tropical

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