Wednesday, May 21, 2008

goodbye blogspot. hello wordpress.

unfortunately this will be my last post on my blogspot. but please check out my new wordpress blog at

you can all my post from here on there and keep up with new ones!

5 things

a blog for fun. idea stolen from my idol/friend/mentor/lover Lauren Walker...

5 Things

5 things under $5 that I can’t live without
1. tresseme hairspray. (thanks to kate)
2. G2 pens
3.Orbit Gum
4.sunglasses (I have to buy really cheap ones cause I lose them on the daily)
5. Ice. i'm not sure what the price is on that one but i love it.

5 favorite movies (right now)
1. Juno
2. 27 Dresses
3. Father of the Bride
4. Raise your voice
5. Baby Mamma

5 Baby names I love
1. Jack
2. Bess
3. Charly (girl) or Charlie (boy)
4. Gemma
5. McClaine

5 Songs I could listen to over and over again
1. Warwick Avenue - Duffy
2. Lucky - Jason Mraz and Colbie Calait
3. Touch my Body - Mariah Carey
4. Now that you're home- Manchester Orchestra (top play count on my itunes)
5. Miracle- Cascada

5 People who have influenced me in a positive way
1. Mom. of course
2. Reggie Carrol
3. Bessie Olgesby
4. Paige Swink
5. Jane Dorn

5 Things that are always in my purse
1. G2 pen
2. Sketchbook
3. cell phone
4. keys
5. my flat wallet that i love

5 moments that have changed my life forever
1. When I was saved.
2. Starting College
3. Graduating College
4. Moving to Columbia
5. Mission trip to India

5 Obsessions I have right now
1. blogging and reading blogs
2. craigs list
3. Family Guy
4. my mac book pro
5. my new house.

5 places I would like to go
1. Greece
2. New York (again)
3. San Francisco (to see caroline)
4. Europe
5. somewhere tropical


that's the name my wonderful roomie beth gave me today.
i'm walking around rather oddly today cause i'm so sore from my workout yesterday
yesterday my good friend Jay trained me and my friend Lauren.
It was crazy intense. But I loved it and I finished so I guess that's a good thing.

you can check him out at

i'll try and keep you updated on how the body by jay/extreme lon makeover/just say no to milk before workout/ street heat experience goes.

ps. i'm seriously considering taking the shoes back. (see post somewhere below.)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


these girls I miss.

new shoes.

so I treated myself to some new shoes yesterday.
I still haven't worn them out of the house yet.
cause I might feel guilty and take them back.
but they are really stinkin cute.

Things God is teaching me these days...

1. For his guidance, direction, blessings, and oddly enough conviction to be present in my life I must consume myself in his word. I do not study his word as much as I should, but I have been better about it lately and it has made all the difference.

"The entrance and unfolding of Your words give light; their unfolding gives understanding (discernment and comprehension) to the simple." Psalm 119: 130

2. To be patient. To not worry. These are easier said than done. Waiting on phone calls about jobs is rough. I sit here in my head and think the worst. They don't want to hire me, gah I'm never going to get a job, when maybe they are just going to call me tomorrow, and I need to stop stressing. Like I said this is really hard, and even though I feel like God is telling me not to worry about it, I still do. But all this goes back to point 1, I need to surround myself in his word because the peace and understanding is found there. Actually I feel like God is pounding these things in my head right now as I write this blog, because I had no intentions of writing a blog this morning, maybe God just wanted me to have to stare at it instead of pushing it aside.

Be evident in my life O God. Draw me near to you and let your word speak to me. May I not push aside the importance of spending time with you daily anymore, and may that time bring peace and understanding that I can't find anywhere else but with you.