Thursday, March 6, 2008

wompus woods.

So freshman year I was pretty much known to my friends as Laurenthegirlfromcowpens. yeah that's all one word. It was my thing. my defining thing. And I tried to defend the small town as much as i could but let's face it, with a name like cowpens it's an uphill battle.
Halloween comes around and we were wanting a good haunted house or trail to go to. Turns out my distance cousins have one in cowpens that you might have heard of called wompus woods. They are actually genius rednecks. They only work one month out of the year and their job is scaring people. So we get a group of people from school and they are coming home with me to get scared. sounded like a good plan.
We get there and it was fine... the girls were getting freaked out because a man on crutches was chasing us around and it wasn't cheap at ten bucks a head. So we get into the trail and it's kinda scary kinda cheesy, lots of chainsaws and cheap masks.
Then at one point in the trail it was christmas themed and there was elves with chainsaws and santa claus was behind them... it was kinda scary in a really bad dream kinda way... then all of a sudden I hear my name, and I look around to see who said it. Then I was so surprised to see who was saying my name, no other than santa claus himself, and he continued.....
"Lauren!, Lauren Gossett, is that you? It's me, Charles Huntsinger, Chopper? We graduated together, Oh FOUR!!!"..... I was just staring at him thinking surely this isn't happening, scary santa is really not yelling at me, this is a bad dream. But oh he was, and he continued until I snapped out of it to answer him, yes chopper i remember you, how are you? doing good obviously santa. All of my friends from Anderson were trying to laugh without santa/chopper seeing. It was so embarassing, but so awesome at the same time, so... cowpens.

of course santa in the wompus woods haunted trail would yell my name. of course.